Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Thank You Everyone!

Hey guys, I just wanted to write a blog totally dedicated to you. I have to say that you, the people that are reading my blogs, are the reason that I keep writing. I have to say that it is nice just letting my thoughts about the sport I love, spill out of my mouth, But I would't want to share it with anyone if it wasn't for you. I get the motivation to write more every time I see another page view and want to keep making you guys happy. I started the blog to only write for the grade that I get in the class, but now, I really enjoy doing it. it is like I get to be able to share my thoughts with anyone who wants to deal with what I am saying. I will try to post a new post every week from now on, so that I can give you guys more regular updates. I apologize for the inconsistency that I have had the past month, But I have been really busy with sports and my other classes.

Thank You! - Pic from www.manliusfire.com

I also want to let you guys know that you should leave me comments on any of my posts, about anything you want related to my blog. If you feel that I am not doing a good job explaining a certain  aspect of the topic, just let me know and I will definitely fix it. Plus, if you think that I should talk more in depth about one of my topics, just do the same. One thing that I really want you guys to do, is comment other blogs like mine or articles concerning my blog. this would really help me learn more about the art of blogging and get me to interact with fellow people that are into blogging.

I also would like to talk about what else I can do to get you, the readers, more into my blog. Should I try to do shout outs for other blogs or social media? I want to make it so that you feel like you really are a part of my blog, and that I know individually who the people are that really like to follow my blog. This would make the blog feel much more personal for me, and hopefully for some of you who plan on following and keeping up to date with my blog. So overall, Thank you so much for what the viewers have done for me. You make it so that I really enjoy writing this stuff. I feel like I am helping you out with figuring out what is going in the NFL. So anyways, because the draft is coming up, I will be giving updates on what the draft is looking like and how teams are going at it so far. So thank you, and keep up to date with The Gold Gang.

It's Coming Up! - Pic from www.NFL.com

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